2022 Slingshot PFI 633/710 V1 Lower Foil Set Business
1 year ago - Other - Jayantipura Location: Jayantipura
Price: 1,068 ₨
roduct Description
2022 Slingshot PFI 633/710 Lower Foil Set
**Lower set only - add on a foil mast to complete the foil**
Includes: PFI 633 Front Wing, PS 400 Rear Stabilizer, 710 Fuse, Neoprene Wing Covers, Custom Travel Case
- Surface Area (cm2): 1270
- Span (mm): 633
- Chord (mm): 264
- Projected Area (cm2): 1229
The Phantasm Freeride Infinity (PFI) 633/710 Lower Package features a larger, lower aspect front wing that gives it tons of lift, stability and dynamic performance at lower speeds, a well as a PS 400 carbon rear stabilizer and 710 fuse. The PFI 633 package was built to provide you with maximum freeride performance as the most predictable and user-friendly foil on the market.
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Condition New