1 year ago - Hobby, Sport & Kids - Jayantipurawww.bestscooterstore,com/products/Apollo-City-Pro.html
Product Description
The Apollo City Pro electric scooterfits tall riders well. With a deck-to-handlebar height of 42 inches, they’re the second tallest bars ever, after the NAMI BURN-E. So riders from 5 ft tall to well over 6 ft tall will feel right at home.
With the specified maximum rider weight being 265 lbs, this is exceptionally strong and well-sprung. Our resident Big Dawg, Ramier had no trouble jumping curbs and carving corners on the Apollo City Pro Electric scooter. Our impression is that the City Pro will handle well for heavier riders, but with a tad reduced range.
Build Quality
When Apollo launched the Phantom in 2021, they set a new standard for having everything you need in one complete package, including excellent ergonomics, a high-mounted headlight, and the most full-featured display we’d ever seen. Now, a full year after releasing their first all-original scooter, they’ve gone even further with the City Pro’s super clean integrated design and attention to detail.
Now in 2022, Apollo is ambitiously pursuing a next-step company evolution with the Apollo City, a design-first, highly-integrated, and painstakingly custom-built scooter. With sleek lines, very little exposed, and a fresh paint color, this is a scooter that will stand out.
It has the first 10 inch tubeless tires we’ve seen ever seen, and they claim to be “flatproof” So of course, we tested that too. Stick around to the end to see how it turned out.